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Our partners

Institutions and philanthropies

We are continuing to work closely with key energy transition programmes including the Power Breakthroughs, the Green Grids Initiative and the Powering Past Coal Alliance to align with complementary efforts and in-country support. Some other institutions and philanthropies we have worked with include:

African Development Fund

African Development Bank (AfDB)

Asian Development Bank

Asian Development Bank (ADB)

Climate Emergency Collaboration Group

Climate Emergency Collaboration Group (CECG)

CIF - Climate Investment Funds

Climate Investment Funds (CIF)

European Climate Foundation

European Climate Foundation (ECF)

IEA - International Energy Agency

International Energy Agency (IEA)

ILO - International Labout Organization

International Labour Organization (ILO)

IRENA - International Renewable Energy Agency

International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA)

Green Climate Fund

Green Climate Fund (GCF)

Energy Transition Partnership

Southeast Asia Energy Transition Partnership (SEA ETP)

Bloomberg Philanthropies

Bloomberg Philanthropies

CATA - Coal Asset Transition Accelerator

Coal Asset Transition Accelerator

European Bank

European Bank for Reconstruction and Development

European Investment Bank

European Investment Bank

Global Energy Alliance for People and Planet GEAPP

Global Energy Alliance for People and Planet

Internation Finance Corporation World Bank Group

International Finance Corporation

INETTT - International Network of Energy Transition Think Tanks

International Network of Energy Transition Think Tanks

isa - International Solar Alliance

International Solar Alliance

Quadrature Climate Foundation

Quadrature Climate Foundation

The Rockerfeller Foundation

Rockefeller Foundation

The World Bank

World Bank

Rapid Response Facility (RRF) delivery partners

Organisations and institutions that provide expertise, local knowledge, extensive networks and financial resources to help deliver on technical assistance requests received from our partner countries include:

African Development Bank

Agora Energiewende

Asian Development Bank

Baringa Partners

Carbon Trust

Climate Compatible Growth Programme (CCG)

Climate Emergency Collaboration Group

Climate Investment Funds

CATA - Coal Asset Transition Accelerator

Coal Asset Transition Accelerator/European Climate Foundation

Energy Sector Management Assistance Program/World Bank (ESMAP/WB)

European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)

French Development Agency

German Agency for International Cooperation

Integrate to Zero

IEA - International Energy Agency

International Energy Agency

International Renewable Energy Agency

Modern Energy Cooking Services (MECS)

National Grid

NDC Partnership

Ocean Energy Pathway


Regulatory Energy Transition Accelerator

RELP formerly Greenmap

Rocky Mountain Institute

Southeast Asia Energy Transition Partnership


UK Partnering for Accelerated Climate Transitions (UK PACT)

World Resources Institute (WRI)